A couple of Sunday’s ago, I stuffed my face, and that’s putting it nicely, with all sorts of delicious foods prepared by restaurants and organizations along the Grand Strand! And I don’t regret a single bite.
The beau and I started off the day with a dozen and one samples of soup at the Souper Supper! An event that I would HIGHLY recommend. It’s awesome, it’s inexpensive, and it’s for a good cause! And did I mention that you get to enjoy a wide variety (this year there were 30+ vendors) of unique and tasty soups? If you want to read more about the annual fundraiser, and see which recipes made my taste buds go cray, just check out my previous post!

We were pretty full after that, but we weren’t done eating yet. Oh, nooooo. Not by a long shot! We had to “torture” ourselves more by heading to the 7th annual Taste of the Marsh Walk in Murrell’s Inlet.
I know. I know. Both in one day? Kind of crazy, but you just can’t miss out on these events!
Plus, after being cooped up for the winter, it was nice to get out and enjoy some nicer, warmer weather.

The Taste of the Marsh Walk happens every year. It’s a 2-day event jam-packed with food, fun and friends. So, you and the entire fam can come out and enjoy fresh, local seafood AND sample cooking from restaurants along the Marsh. Participating businesses create small, fun-sized meals that are available for a few bucks. Normally, within the $3-$5 range and sharable. Plus, there’s always a Bloody Mary contest, entertainment and vendors.

This year, the “menu” was killer! Unfortunately, I was only able to make room for a couple of drinks and Dead Dog Saloon‘s Burger & Brisket Beer Cheese Slider! Which was AMAZING!!!

I definitely wish I could have sampled more than I did…I guess that’s the price you pay though for attending TWO food events in one day! But there’s always next year. And yes, I will be going AGAIN. So far, since I moved down here, I’m 3 for 3!
You might think that by going year after year after year, it gets boring, stale, monotonous! But it doesn’t. The restaurants are always changing up their little entrees and dishes, and the views and the activities and the drinks never get old!
The good news is, that while you may have missed out on these events, they happen annually, AND there’s other foodie gatherings coming up along the Grand Strand!
- 2/16 – Oyster Roast & Bloody Mary Contest @ Wicked Tuna (11-6)
- 2/23 – 2nd Annual She-Crab Soup CookOFF @ 251 Willbrook Blvd., Pawleys (2-5)
- 3/8 – 8th Annual Chili Cook-Off @ Island Bar & Grill Pawleys (1-5)